Cereal Mascots

Fives: Cereal Mascots

Fresh off a review of the insanely sugary nostalgia of Trix cereal, I think we need to take a deeper look at some cereal mascots. These spokescreatures have quite the array of flair, and some are certainly better than others. Please note that this list is in no way a reflection of the products these cereal mascots represent – it’s simply factoring in the actual mascot’s charm, personality, and style. Let’s do it!

5. Sunny the Sun

I’m a firm believer that any animated sun should be wearing sunglasses, so Sunny loses a couple of points for that. But the Raisin Bran mascot has a long history of being the bright spot on an otherwise boring box of cereal, dumping raisins where there were previously none. There’s also this pretty delightful commercial where Sunny is a news broadcaster that keeps getting interrupted. His little headphones and microphone are almost too much!

4. Cap’n Crunch

Cap’n Crunch may be one of the lone cereal mascots that shares its name with the very cereal it’s peddling. He’s got a fantastic mustache, and is one of the few spokescreatures that has a stable job (of cap’n). He rocks stylish blue threads and he’s probably pretty good at avoiding queasiness since he’s at home out on the sea. That’s a good thing because there’s quite a bit of sugar in Cap’n Crunch.

3. Chef Wendell

Never have I seen a cereal mascot – nay, a person – be so adept at tuning out other people’s nonsense. Look at this ad! Chef Wendell successfully drowns out screaming kids, a can-can line, and even a group of stampeding horses because he’s too intensely focused on looking at and then consuming Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It’s hard work to be so blissfully unaware, and I’m envious of Wendell’s ability to do so.

2. Toucan Sam

The most charming mascot on the list, Toucan Sam’s British elegance is more radiant than his three-ringed beak, which represents the original red, yellow, and orange pieces of Froot Lips. And while the double o’s in the name are symbolic of the shape of the cereal, it’s also a subtle nod that there is, in fact, no real fruit to be found. Don’t tell Toucan Sam that, though. He’s on the hunt for tasty treasure, and he won’t rest until he finds it.

1. Tony the Tiger

Tony is easily the winner here. Just like his cereal’s tagline, he’s grrrrreat! That red bandana that identifies him is helpful if he ever gets lost, and if you ever need an extra player for a pickup basketball game and can only choose from cereal mascots, he’s the most likely to actually help your team. But the biggest reason Tony is #1 is this: I’ve actually appeared on a box of cereal with him. I had the choice of Froot Loops or Frosted Flakes and I chose Tony. I’m sure it was just because the line for the Frosted Flakes box was shorter, but those details are unimportant. All you need to know is Tony is tops when it comes to cereal mascots.

See other Fives here.

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