Halloween Candy

Top Five Halloween Candy Items

Happy Halloween, everyone! Whether you’re a little tot just donning your first costume (pro tip: masks are overrated) or an adult just trying to make it to bedtime, this holiday has something for us all. It’s that sweet, sweet Halloween candy.

Of course, not all Halloween candy is created equal. You certainly don’t want to end up with candy corn or circus peanuts. Or even worse – something that’s not even edible (I’m looking at you, house that hands out erasers).

If you’re dishing out the goods this year, make sure to stock these Halloween candy items. You’ll be the talk of the town in the best way possible.

5. Twix

When I was a kid, I would have a Twix nearly every day. Back then, there were multiple flavors – the OG was peanut butter. Alternate options included cookies and cream and the caramel that’s standard today. I’m not saying the caramel is a bad thing, by any means. But that original peanut butter Twix (yes, I know there’s an “updated” one available) was GOOD. The decision to do caramel over peanut butter limits Twix’s ceiling.

4. Peanut M&Ms

While I’m generally more of a bar than pieces fan when it comes to Halloween candy, M&Ms are always a solid choice. In my youth, I would have chosen the regular option over the peanut variety. But that has certainly changed as I’ve grown older. For starters, you get more candy, since your M&M has to envelop a full peanut. Secondly, you get a much more satisfying crunch. Finally, peanuts have some protein in them, so when you eat 87 bags, you’re at least getting some nutrition.

3. Snickers

Snickers would be on this list even without their wonderful commercials. Anytime we can get more Betty White in our lives, that’s a good day. Snickers gives you the whole package: nougat, caramel, and peanuts, all ensconced in milk chocolate. How can you lose?

2. 100 Grand Bar

This is my pick for the most underrated candy bar out there. And not just for the taste, which is great. Chocolate, caramel, and crisped rice is a fantastic combo. But it’s also got lots of potential for comedy. Work hard enough and you just might make a 100 Grand. I want my Halloween candy to make me laugh. It’s low in cholesterol and sodium, which is a nice bonus (of course, that’s countered by high fat and sugar, but shhhh).

1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

I mean, was there ever any doubt? Reese’s keeps fiddling with varieties of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. But those are fruitless efforts. The original cup is THE BEST cup, and in fact, it’s the best Halloween candy. Or the best any kind of candy. Or chocolate. We already know I’m a chocolate + peanut butter fiend. No matter how many Reese’s are in my bag of candy, it’s never enough. I need more.

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